Friday, 27 January 2017

How to Fix A Chipped Tooth ?

It is very common that tooth endures fractures, decays or the like. Dental Inlays and Onlays are the solutions to these defects. These are teeth restorations used to repair and restructure teeth that have undergone change due to decay or crack or fractured teeth which have not damaged the crown of the teeth.

It can be made use of by people who have endured damage to their teeth by means of decays or the like.  Those people who have sufficient part of their tooth remaining healthy so as to avoid replacing the crown are usually suggested to have a repair of their teeth by the use of inlays or onlays.
The process is more or less similar for inlays and onlays. The dentist proceeds by numbing the region around the tooth to be repaired. The decayed or damaged part, if any, on the tooth is drilled out and the part is thereafter cleaned. Then dentist uses putty to get the mould of the part to be filled. This is sent to the dental laboratory to get the inlay or onlay as per the requirement. 

In the next appointment, the dentist implants the inlay or the onlay and waits for a small interval to see if the inlay or the onlay sticks to the part and stays intact. If it is perfectly shaped to fill the vacant spot, the dentist then bonds the inlays or onlays to the tooth. There might be a little discomfort in the first fewdays but would gradually subside owing to the inlay or the onlay getting configured better to the dental row and the dental outline of the person. This is often suggested if there is a little possibility that the crown need not be replaced.
Dental Solutions are Bangalore’s leading providers of dental cosmetic and therapeutic treatments. They offer comprehensive patient care in the quickest time possible. Dental Solutions provide professionalized and customized attention to all the patients.

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